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WELCOME_ I’m so glad you’ve made it. Take a moment to scan the page and review each step. This can be done on its own, but is best used as a part of The OS - my complete notion life operating sys
Download your copy of the blueprint. to collect each template that you download and complete to build out your very own fully customized Operating System.
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Complete the Values Card Exercise by selecting your top 5 core values.
If you are struggling to choose between values, think about it like this… there are apples, oranges, and fruits, choose "fruits" because apples and oranges are types of fruit.
If you don’t see a value listed in the cards, you can them to the pile.
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Now that you have your values, list them below, define them for yourself on your own terms, and ask what is preventing you from living in alignment with them for each area of your life. If you need to reflect on your Area’s of Life, be sure to check out the compass.
For Example: If your core value is: “Freedom”
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Add each of your values to the values tracker database. Click ‘+ New’ on the bottom left corner of the table to add each value into the values tracker below. Toggle between the “List View” and the “Gallery View” for your preferred layout.